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Augusta Chiropractic Newsletter for February 2017

All Benefit when DCs and MDs Work Together

Patient benefit when doctors work together. Lombardy Chiropractic Clinic is always ready to work with Augusta healthcare colleagues to help a Augusta chiropractic patient! A new study shows that when family medicine residents and chiropractors cooperatively care for older patients with back pain, everyone wins. Patients liked it. Both types of doctors liked getting to know each other’s treatment approaches. (1) While another study demonstrates that multidisciplinary conferences connecting many types of providers lessen the use of spinal fusion for low back and improve the matching of surgical type to the proper patient type. (2) It’s all good! Lombardy Chiropractic Clinic is ready to help!

When Would Back Surgery Be Suitable?

Research reports that 88% of cervical radiculopathy patients and 70% of lumbar radiculopathy patients improve within 4 weeks of symptom onset. Therefore, prime timing for surgery for cervical radiculopathy (arm/upper extremity pain) is within 8 weeks of symptoms though 4 weeks may be contemplated and between 4 and 8 weeks for lumbar radiculopathy (leg/lower extremity pain). (3) Naturally, Lombardy Chiropractic Clinic works toward surgery necessity but knows when to refer appropriate patients for surgical care. There are times when it is. Count on Lombardy Chiropractic Clinic for your non-surgical back pain and neck pain care.

Eat Healthy!

It’s not just a slogan! Healthy eating improves bone mineral density and lowers the risk of osteoporosis. Those who consume more vegetables and fruits have less osteoposis and higher bone mineral density in middle and older age. If you are one of those Augusta chiropractic patients who don’t like vegetables much, you are in luck! Fruit more so than vegetables seems to be better. (4) Eat some fruit and vegetables today for less osteoporosis and pain tomorrow.

Back Pain’s Relationship to Vitamin D

Augusta chronic low back pain sufferers who also have low vitamin D levels benefit from vitamin D supplementation. An better vitamin D level aids to reduce pain intensity and improve function in chronic low back pain patients. (5) Lombardy Chiropractic Clinic thinks it’s nice that an easy intervention as a nutritional supplement may have such a powerful impact on back pain!

Cervical Spine and Tinnitus Related

Our body is one big linked system! Lombardy Chiropractic Clinic knows this to be true! Lombardy Chiropractic Clinic just read this study about tinnitus and its potential relationship to cervical spine disorders. That makes sense! They find that when cervical spine disorders are alleviated, so is the tinnitus. There is a link between the dorsal cochlear nucleus in the auditory pathway and the cervical spine. (6) Does tinnitus with a cervical spine condition disturb you? A Augusta friend? Lombardy Chiropractic Clinic offers gentle chiropractic care to help them both potentially! Augusta chiropractic may help.

Obesity Increases Osteoporosis Risk

When we think about osteoporosis, we used to think of thin people as being the ones at risk. Lombardy Chiropractic Clinic often thought that. But not now! New research reports that obesity is a big risk factor for osteoporosis since inflammatory cytokines are used by fat to negatively influence bone metabolism. (7) Now, that’s new news. All of us Augusta folks – thin and overweight – need to be aware of osteoporosis risk and how to manage it.

If any of these topics affect you or a Augusta loved one, make a Augusta chiropractic appointment today with Lombardy Chiropractic Clinic. What a great first step toward relief!